Friday, June 25, 2010

Keep fit and Diet for a Flat Belly

Hi all, =)

Today I made a breakthrough.. I want to keep myself fit. I haven't really exercise for some time.. couple of months.

So today... I went walking for 20 minutes, then I went home to do some dumbbell exercises to tone my arms and to broaden my shoulders for about 15 minutes and I spent about 5 minutes doing sit-ups (30 sit-ups at one go). Oh ya, everyone please remember to do warm-up and cool-down exercises to prevent unwanted injuries!

Anyway.. I wanted to share an interesting video that I found on Youtube. Here is the video:

This is my summary. This video shares about having a diet to achieve a flat belly. The video starts off by saying how dangerous fats around your belly can be to your health (some cancers, heart diseases...). Then, the video goes on to say there are 5 categories of food that can help you reduce the dangerous fats. The 5 categories are, some oils (like olive oil), nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds, peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, walnuts), olives, Avocado, and lastly dark chocolate (great news!!!).

But there are 3 rules: 1) Eat every 4 Hours, 2) Eat 4 400 Calories meals each day (control your diet) and 3) Eat something that is from the above food mentioned at every meal.

I am not sure if this works. But I might try it! If anyone is going to try it or has tried it, please feel free to leave your comments. If you have any information to share, please do!! =)

P.S. I found out that Wikipedia (Keyword: Abdominal obesity) mentioned that sit-ups, crunches have little effect on reducing belly fats. It only helps build abdominal muscles. My personal opinion is what's the good of having abdominal muscles when you cannot reduce the fats (which is dangerous for your health). Please! I am not asking you not to exercise. But perhaps, there are more effective methods! Go google more yourself. And share whatever you have with us! =p

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