I personally cooked 2 dishes to go with porridge for lunch. This is adequate for 2 - 3 person. I do not often cook. Only cook once a month or less.
These are the photos:

These are the ingredients I bought:
1) Steamed Minced Pork
I bought minced pork ("Air Pork") from Shop N Save near my Home. It cost me about $2. Then I bought 2 tomatoes. I wanted to buy salted fish but I could not find it in Shop N Save. It is good to add some flavour to the steamed minced pork. Trust me. Even some sliced onions will do just nice. I did some seasonings to the minced pork before steaming. Some oyster sauce, sesame oil and a bit of sugar. I left the seasoned minced pork in the fridge for about 3 hours (I think 1 hour should do the trick too). Before steaming the minced pork, I added some water to the pork. Then, I placed the tomatoes onto the pork. Steaming the dish for 10 - 15 minutes should be enough.
2) Egg White with Broccoli-Ham-Crabmeat
My creation. I decide it will taste nice! This is also my first time adding milk to a dish.
You will need 2-3 eggs, some fresh milk, ham, crabmeat and a broccoli. I bought Marigold fresh milk but any fresh milk should do.
This dish is really simple and healthy. I washed and cut the broccoli. Then I boiled it. After boiling, lay the broccoli onto the plate. To make scrambled egg white, I put the egg white in a bowl, added some milk (I added only 3 tablespoons, you can add more) and some cornflour. Mix it around a little. Then heat some olive oil on the cooking pan. Pour in the egg white to cook. Serve it on the plate with broccoli. The ham that I bought from Shop N Save can be eaten without cooking, so I just teared them into pieces and placed it onto the egg white. To save time, I placed the crabmeat on top of the minced pork previously. All I have to do now is to tear the crabmeat and decorate it on top of the ham. Easy.
I usually prefer to eat the entire egg (egg white and egg yolk), but I decide to remove the egg yolks for this dish. Been having too much eggs in a week. Egg yolk has much much more nutrients than egg white. But I heard egg white is cholesterol free.
I hope you like the dishes. Please feel free to leave your comments or suggestions. =)
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