Dear *Freaders,
It's going to be Mothers' Day tomorrow!!! Show your Mums appreciation by spending time with her. Bringing her on a date will be a splendid gesture! :)
By the way, I want to blog about this movie called Christian Mingle released in 2014. From the movie poster, it is obvious that it is all about romance.
Christian Mingle sounds like a name, probably the name of a guy. And, I was thinking in my head that this could be a sweet film - perhaps about a girl who meets the perfect guy who turns out to be her Mr. Right.
Well, Christian Mingle is more than that... :)
I want all of you to watch the movie, hence I am going to write a really brief plot summary.
Gwyneth Hayden's life is close to perfection but she feels empty - she thinks that the only thing lacking is a decent man in her life journey. By chance, she finds a dating website and fills out a profile to find Mr. Right. In the end, she receives more than what her heart desires. :)
If you read my past reviews on movies, you will know that I LOVE to ponder about the meaning behind movies.
Here goes....
1) GOD loves us and He hopes for us to have a relationship with him.
He is a Father to us. He wants us to flourish and be emotionally and spiritually strong. And, I do believe He has a "plan" for us.
Many of us are just drifting through life. Some days we wake up feeling hollow and confused. Then we mull over what is the purpose of our life.
I hope every one will take time to reflect and consider what is most important in life.
2) The Truth is what we seek.
Being truthful to family, friends and even strangers are imperative to us. The ability to feel a sense of guilt is what makes us humans. We cannot lie all the time.
Being true to oneself is of even greater importance. Deceiving yourself or pretending is exhausting.
The ultimate essence? Seeking The Truth to living forever. :)
*Freaders, watch the movie and share some of your thoughts here, ok? :)))
* Freaders = Friends + Readers